Saturday 18 May 2013

Love Life!

Love Life, founded by Taiwanese host Blackie Chen and Taiwanese singer Fan Wei Qi,
A project done by my seniors from CMC Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
My seniors really brought a really meaningful concept over to Singapore.
It really is a meaningful project, showcasing 3 case studies.
I was with them while they were filming the 2nd case study, and I can really see how much they enjoy doing this project.
I am waiting for the documentary to be released.
Meanwhile, this is the trailer for the 2nd case study. (p.s. I could not attach the 1st and 3rd one)
Also attached is the Love Life Taiwan documentary.

Love Life,一个由台湾艺人陈建州和范玮琪发起的组织,
Love Life新加坡将已3个不同的真实故事,传递“珍爱生命,永不放弃”的精神。
以上还有Love Life台湾的纪录片。

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