Friday 21 June 2013

Hey Z!

I am sorry, but this post is only going to be in English (:

As many Singaporeans already know, we are once again in a hazy situation.
Forest fires in Indonesia.
Because of the direction of the wind, the haze is blown to Singapore.
The PSI levels broke the record, from 16 years ago.
Until today afternoon, it was at 401!!
The Indonesia government said Singapore should not act like children,
complaining about the haze.
I understand that this may be a small problem to Indonesia,
considering that Singapore is not a part of Indonesia.
However, this is a big problem in Singapore.
Why do the Indonesian government not put themselves in our shoes?
To think Singapore helped them when they needed it.
I wonder is it because the haze is not in Jakarta.
Well, they set the fire and we get the haze.
Talk about fair, talk about serve you right.
What did Singapore do to get this kind of treatment?
It's no wonder they are not worried at all about their health.
It is said that the haze would last a few months.
We are told there is no need to stock up masks at home, but we are told to wear masks.
Question is......where do I get the masks from?
You told us to wear, guaranteed that there are enough,
but most people I see on streets do not have one on.
With masks, eyedrops, air purifiers all out of stock,
lets just see how we can survive this together.

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