Saturday 22 June 2013

GSS with

Ever had the feeling of buying a product, and find it at a cheaper cost later?
I believe that is one of the most hated feeling for most people (ESPECIALLY LADIES)!
I just found out from NUFFNANG that there is this website where you get to research leading retailers’ promotions and catalogues online.

Well, to be honest, I am a really lazy person~
 as if you can't tell because there are no signs of my Chinese posts recently. :p
But, I had to fight my laziness in order to browse the website, 
and so I did! (Proud of myself) *Pats Pats*
This is what you will see when you enter
and while browsing, I saw this!

and this!

AHHHHHHH!!!! I am screaming inside!!!
I am so going to check these offers out!

Don't mind my craziness~
And so my point is,
  1. Fight Laziness (that's a reminder to self)
  2. Check out
  3. Look at the amazing deals and lastly,
  4. SCREAM!!
Oh, did I mention I was going to Hong Kong? 
That is why I am so egggggg-cited when I see those offers @^^@

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