Friday 10 October 2014

Song of the month: September

Apologies for the lack of updates!

1 month since I started school in Taiwan...
Enjoying my life here, but there are also things that I am not used to yet.
For example, the food, the weather, the traffic etc.
However, I am sure I will enjoy my 4 years here.

I know it's a little late, but here is my song list for September!

1) The One Like You by Girls Generation's Jessica

I am sure most of you must have heard of the news, that Jessica is not part of SNSD anymore.
Here is one of my favourite song by her.
A little tribute, and also in hopes that she will be part of the group again.

2) 《听见下雨的声音》by 魏如昀
I seldom listen to songs like this, but this song is etched in my head.
Reason being, my roommate and friends keep singing it.

3)《你不知道的事》by 陈永馨
Beautiful rendition of Lee Hom's song.
It is a more 'angelic' version of the song.

4)《我知道你很难过》by 刘珂
I like this kind of voice, so yeah~
It is like, I can hear his heartache.

5)《Oh Girl》 by 宇宙人
They are an indie band, I think.
I don't usually listen to indie music. Was introduced to this music through our faculty's camp.
It was the song to our morning dance routine.
The song and the lyrics are suuuuuuper cute!

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