Tuesday 30 April 2013

Unexpected 收获

I had a change of thoughts today...
I always thought history and culture lessons would be dry and boring.
Believe me, I think many out there have the same mindset like I do.
However maybe because its a non-examinable subject, or maybe because I am lucky to have an interesting lecturer. Lecture and tutorial today were really interesting. (p.s. i think its the first time i did not want lessons to end)
After today's lesson, I even have a clearer picture of where my ancestors were from, something which I thought I would never know.
Anyway I have learnt not to judge a subject by its name.
History may not be as boring as it sounds.


Monday 29 April 2013

Back to blogging! 我回来了!

It has been awhile since I my last blog entry.
I stopped because I thought that what I was writing in my blog isn't anything worth talking about (that would be the nicer way of saying that it's rubbish).
Maybe because I am soon leaving the 'teens' category, which made me look at blogs another way.
I don't want to give it up, because I feel that this is a way for me to express myself and also because I want to be look back here 10 or 20 years down the road and smile at what I have done.
No regrets.
So I am glad to say that I AM BACK!!!!

现在我要大声宣告 “我回来了!!!”