Sunday 19 January 2014

Better Me

Love this song ever since I heard her sang it on a award ceremony.
I think it is quite a meaningful song~~

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Sponsored Review: Etude House's Precious Mineral Any Cushion!

I have been procrastinating about the review.
I am finally feeling like doing it today~
Apologies for the procratination.

Here goes my newspaper review.
Girls are always attracted to pretty nice product packagings.
Among the Korean brands, I feel Etude House has one of the best packagings.
Their products always look so cute!

Even the interior of the makeup product looks cute as well.
That is one BIG plus point for Etude House's product

Because I kinda have sensitive skin, so I am very particular about my make-up and skincare products.
This Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion foundation has good coverage, I will say.
Not up to the point where it is very fantastic, but fairly good.
It helps to lighten the scars and marks on your face, but not cover it entirely.
It does make your complexion look better as well.

This product is said to have many skincare benefits as well, other than the fact that it is a make-up product.
I think this is the new trend for makeup.
Make-up with skincare benefits!