Monday 26 August 2013

The Mortal Instrument: City of Bones~

I caught the movie The Mortal Instrument: City of Bones today.

To be honest, I heard more bad comments than good ones about this movie.
Personally, I don't think it is that bad~~
Firstly, the main casts are beautiful (: (eye candies for both guys and girls)
其一,男女主角都长得好养眼 (:

Secondly, it is more of a magical adventure type of movie (my type)
Thirdly, it is like Twilight, Harry Potter in one movie (vampires and werewolf and spells)
其三,它好像Twilight 和 Harry Potter 的综合体(在角色、故事设计方面)

What I don't like about the movie is the ending.
Well, I am a fan of happily-ever-afters.
This movie did not give me that kind of feeling.

Now I have another series of books on my list to read (urgh!!)

Saturday 24 August 2013


I am back from BKK!!
It was a really good trip, considering the fact that the stuff there are so cheap.
Food prices are much much lower than in Singapore.
Even in places like Siam Paragon (which is similar to that of Singapore's Paragon)

Before the flight, I got myself the Dior Lip Glow at the Duty-Free Shops.

I have been hearing good comments about this Lip Glow, and I thought I would give it a try.
Learnt from the Longchamp stuff that the Duty-Free prices in the Departure hall do not consist of GST,
however, besides cosmetics and alcohol, the rest of the items consist of a GST surcharge.

Went there by Singapore Airlines.
Its the first time for me,
P.S. there is isn't much difference in price as compared to budget airlines
SIA's economy class seats provide much more leg space as compared to Cathay Airline.
I would definitely opt for Singapore Airlines again, for comfort and service.

For my 4 nights in Bangkok, I stayed in Baiyoke Sky Hotel.
It was the tallest building in Bangkok I heard.
I was provided a room at the Lady's floor, the first time I heard of such service.
Other than having a great view from my room, I don't think I will be going back to this hotel again.
Every night, I see cockroaches in my room.
The morning buffet spread wasn't to my liking as well.

Even got myself burnt by the oven.
But that's my fault, not the hotel's fault.
The mark on my hand is much darker now,
Burnt marks don't leave scars right? :\

I only roamed around the Pratunam area.
Mainly Platinum Fashion Mall and City Complex.
Platinum Fashion Mall is quite a great place to walk!
Considering the air-con comfort you will get.
The prices are definitely cheaper than in Singapore, however its hard to get a bargain.
It is hard to even bargain (plus I am not a bargain person).
City Complex is a wholesale center (mainly only jeans, pants, shorts, skirts)
The prices of bottoms found here are cheaper than Platinum Fashion Mall,
so I advice you to get them there.
There is a linking skyline bridge between these 2 wholesale centers.
Did not have the chance to go to Chatuchuk because it is a weekend market.
I didn't know it until my friend told me
But it was too late, because the flight tickets were already booked.
These are the stuff that I got from Thailand.
There isn't alot, considering the fact that the amount of money was to be shared with my mum.
And my mum actually bought more than me~~
I was the one who wants to shop,
Feel undignified.

In terms of shopping, I really liked Bangkok.
However, I do not really like their roads.
Traffic jams are a common sight, even in shortcuts.
And I think it is really dangerous.
Vehicles can enter the market places,
which makes it even more congested and dangerous.

Food wise, I did not manage to try any street food.
My aunt was pretty peculiar about the cleanliness issue.
So it was a pity.
Had MacDonalds, their MacDonalds meal are in the American size!
The regular size of their fries and drinks is equivalent to the Large Size in Singapore.
I didn't know that, and so I ordered an upsize.
But it was definitely worth the money.
I ordered their McWings, it didn't come with wings though.
Only drumlets (much spicier than Singapore's McWings),
Because the serving was so large, it was so much worth the money.
The McNuggets come in 10 pieces as well, so it was easy to divide among 2 people.
The Padthai I tried at Platinum Fashion Mall was sweet,
I don't really like sweet food as a main dish, so it didn't went well with me.
Plus, the stall vendor was so unhygienic.
She was actually playing with the squid meant to serve us with her bare fingers,
she even scratch her neck after that (ewwwww!!)

Overall, I still think I would go back to Bangkok again.
The things there are really cheap, so once a year to stock up my wardrobe.
I guess that ain't too much right?? d:

Friday 16 August 2013

BKK here I come!!!

I am going to Bangkok on Monday for a 5day 4 night getaway!!
Its the holidays!!
I really really need a break~
And so, BKK here I come!!!


A song that really give me the holiday mood~
Live While We're Young by One Direction


Live While We're Young by One Direction

Monday 12 August 2013

silence = pushover?

I came across this blog entry by Jeanette Aw (Singapore's female actress),
and I find it very meaningful...

I think it came from a book "Quiet". Should go get it one day~~ (:



Sunday 11 August 2013

Last Day

It is officially the last day of school for me tomorrow~~
Not that I am graduating, but its the last day I am attending school at Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Since my internship will start next semester.

Last Wednesday was totally filled with tears....
I guess I love CMC much much more than I thought I did.

下学期我不会在学校上课, 而是去当实习生。


Sunday 4 August 2013


I am recently in love with EXO these days~~ 我最近非常喜欢的组合 EXO
My favourite: 其中最喜欢的成员:

Their new song GROWL in both Chinese and Korean below!
以下是 EXO 的新歌 GROWL
Enjoy (:
大家好好欣赏 (: